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How to stop mindless shopping

Nov 12, 2019

Shopping, whether it’s for clothing, food or random beauty products, can quickly become an impulsive, emotion releasing habit. Let’s imagine you see a fairly nice coat with 50% off and you buy it, although you already have twenty warm enough coats in your closet. We’ve all been there. Mindless shopping can temporarily satisfy you, yes. Maybe for a month, maybe for a week, maybe for an hour. But it can also lead us to spending much more than we can afford, causing lots of stress and worry about our finances.

If as you’re reading this, you’re feeling guilty about that unnecessary purchase you just made or if you consider yourself stuck in the trap of shopping for fun - below are some useful tips that can help you become a more conscious buyer.

Make a wish-list.

When shopping, it’s a good idea to create a list of things you genuinely need. This can be kept in a notes app on your phone so that you can refer to it easily when need be. If you find yourself contemplating on getting an item, ask yourself: Is it on the list? If not, do I really need it? This will give you time to think twice on what it is you’re buying.

Analyse any purchase.

Before going to the counter, not many people think about how useful the product will be for them. It’s important to consider if you’ll even make use of it often and, if you will, how often? What will you use it for? How long will it last? Is it worth the money? The main thing to concentrate on is whether you’re buying it for the quality and not the quantity. If you do this beforehand, you’ll find that you’ll very likely end up spending less.

Understanding your necessities and priorities.

Recognising what you value most in life and focusing on it makes it much easier to prevent overspending. Things like food, shelter, basic utilities, childcare and transportation are some of the main things that would be of prime concern. Thinking like this will also help you save money for what it is you want most when you look at the bigger picture. Perhaps you want to travel, upgrade your home or buy a new car; whatever it is, consider how your spending can affect these goals.

Know what triggers you personally.

We are prompted to shop for all different kinds of reasons; boredom, low self-esteem and entitlement are just a few. Something as little as buying a new lipstick or a new pair of shoes is enough to better your ‘bad mood’ for a while. However, sometimes when we experience emotional turbulence, it can encourage us to feel like we deserve to spend money on ourselves. Of course, everybody is deserving of a treat every now and then, but it’s knowing that you don’t need to get a whole new wardrobe!

Plan to shop.

If you plan your shopping ahead of time, you have more time to figure out your purpose and what you are really in need of. Before shopping you should always determine what you intend to buy and how much you plan on spending. This way you should avoid making impulse buys. Your list can range from food items, to Christmas gifts, to new house decor - just make sure you know before you go.

You probably realise that the excitement of whim shopping never lasts. Hopefully these tips will help you to control the urge to buy something just because of a sale offer or because it looks pretty. Saving and having the money to buy things you genuinely need will be much more beneficial to you in the long run.

For more tips on how to save money or if you wish to apply for a loan, please visit https://tangerineloans.com