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Holiday Loans

Nov 13, 2019

If you have found the perfect holiday destination but aren’t sure how you’re going to pay for it all upfront, a holiday loan could be an option to consider. A holiday loan is a fixed-rate personal loan that you’d apply for so that you can make simple, smaller payments towards the cost of your holiday. By filling in the application form below, we can look to find you the lender with the lowest rate that is willing to lend to you today.

What Is A Holiday Loan?

A holiday loan is a type of Personal Loan that someone may take out in order to pay for their holiday or to use as spending money while they are away on holiday. You may have found your dream holiday but just don’t have the full amount to pay for it all upfront. A holiday loan could be an option for you if you would rather break this larger lump sum up into smaller monthly payments, paid back at an agreed rate.

Who Can Apply For A Holiday Loan?

To apply for a holiday loan with Tangerine, applicants must be over the age of 18, be a current UK resident, employed and earning over £800 per month and have an active UK bank account.

How Much Can I Borrow to Pay for My Holiday?

Holiday loans (or Personal Loans as they are otherwise known) are usually for amounts under £25,000. You can apply to borrow as much as you feel is necessary for your situation but it’s best to make sure that you can comfortably afford to pay the loan back alongside the agreed rate of interest.

What is the Process of Applying for a Holiday Loan?

Applying for a holiday loan with Tangerine is quick and easy! Simply fill in our application form and tell us a few details about yourself, how much you would like to borrow and for how long. Then click the ‘Apply Now’ button at the bottom and sit back and relax while we introduce you to a lender. You’ll be provided with an instant on screen decision of which lender has come forward and agreed in principal to lend to you today. You’ll then agree with your lender how much you are borrowing, how long for and at what rate of interest.

Did You Know?

Did you know, that when you apply for a loan, lenders will look at your credit score to see if you are a suitable applicant? That’s why it’s a good idea to check your credit report and score before applying for finance so that you’re able to make sure that what is on there is correct and factual. You can use our FREE* tool Credit Knowledge today to check your Credit Report!

*Terms apply. Please see site for details.